
General description: 

Hypopygium large, with median folds; ovipositor sheath long and hairy throughout, arising distally on the valvifer. Tergite I with sides parallel but curving inward apically, 1.5-2.0x longer than wide, longer in the males, surface rugose with a median depression on apical half; tergite II about twice as wide as long, longer in the male, the sides diverging apically; tergum III smooth, about 1.5x as long as II. Propodeurn coarsely rugose and fully areolated, scutum coarsely rugose or punctate with some longitudinal aciculations near the posterior margin; mesopleuron with a strong pleural furrow; metanorurn with lateral setiferous lobes on the anterior margin; upper and lower grooves present on sides of pronotum. Radius 2 or 3 times longer than first intercubitus; second intercubitus small and unpigmented, making a minute second cubital cell that is only about as wide as the veins around it; vannal lobe concave and hairless on distal half: nervellus straight, meeting the submediella at a rounded right angle. Tarsal claws with one large basal pecten-tooth on each (Mason, 1981).

Hypopygium large, with median folds; ovipositor sheath long and hairy throughout, arising distally on the valvifer. Tergite I with sides parallel but curving inward apically, 1.5-2.0x longer than wide, longer in the males, surface rugose with a median depression on apical half; tergite II about twice as wide as long, longer in the male, the sides diverging apically; tergum III smooth, about 1.5x as long as II. Propodeurn coarsely rugose and fully areolated, scutum coarsely rugose or punctate with some longitudinal aciculations near the posterior margin; mesopleuron with a strong pleural furrow; metanorurn with lateral setiferous lobes on the anterior margin; upper and lower grooves present on sides of pronotum. Radius 2 or 3 times longer than first intercubitus; second intercubitus small and unpigmented, making a minute second cubital cell that is only about as wide as the veins around it; vannal lobe concave and hairless on distal half: nervellus straight, meeting the submediella at a rounded right angle. Tarsal claws with one large basal pecten-tooth on each (Mason, 1981).

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith