
General description: 

Known from a unique male specimen only. Tergite I strongly narrowed apically, completely smooth and polished except for a small area of hairs and roughening apically; tergum II with a partly defined subtriangular median area; terga II and III smooth and polished, the suture between them scarcely visible; terga behind II uniformly and densely hairy. Propodeurn smooth, a partial transverse carina laterally behind the spiracles; many fine striations radiating from the foramen and a transverse band of striations medially, extreme base sparsely punctate. Anterior margin of metanotum slightly retracted laterally, the lateral setose lobe broad; scutellar margin smooth, lunules normal; notauli absent. Areolet very large; intercubitella (2m-cu) absent; brachiella (2nd 1A) present. Mouth resembling that of a cyclostome braconid (figured by Nixon 1965), the clypeus strongly transversely swollen, its apical half reflexed inward and strongly concave along the margin (Mason, 1981).

Known from a unique male specimen only. Tergite I strongly narrowed apically, completely smooth and polished except for a small area of hairs and roughening apically; tergum II with a partly defined subtriangular median area; terga II and III smooth and polished, the suture between them scarcely visible; terga behind II uniformly and densely hairy. Propodeurn smooth, a partial transverse carina laterally behind the spiracles; many fine striations radiating from the foramen and a transverse band of striations medially, extreme base sparsely punctate. Anterior margin of metanotum slightly retracted laterally, the lateral setose lobe broad; scutellar margin smooth, lunules normal; notauli absent. Areolet very large; intercubitella (2m-cu) absent; brachiella (2nd 1A) present. Mouth resembling that of a cyclostome braconid (figured by Nixon 1965), the clypeus strongly transversely swollen, its apical half reflexed inward and strongly concave along the margin (Mason, 1981).

Taxonomic name: 
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith