Choeras tiro

General description: 

The following brief description is take from Tobias (1995: Keys to the Insects of the European Part of the USSR. Vol III Hymenoptera, Part IV). [This book is available for download in the Biodiversity Heritage Library website ( and it has no known copyright restrictions as determined by the scanning institution].

Stigma not wide, with pale spot at base. Antennae shorter than body, extremely thin, apical segments closely articulate, lustrous. Ovipositor valves slightly shorter than hind tibia. First abdominal tergite hardly narrowed toward apex.
Body black. Hind femora darkened, with pale strip in middle. Body 2.5—3 mm.

[Other notes from same Reference: Parasite of Cnephasia chrysanthemana, C. pascuana, and C. interjectana (Tortricidae). Distribution: Center; Sakhalin; Western Europe].

The following brief description is take from Tobias (1995: Keys to the Insects of the European Part of the USSR. Vol III Hymenoptera, Part IV). [This book is available for download in the Biodiversity Heritage Library website ( and it has no known copyright restrictions as determined by the scanning institution].

Stigma not wide, with pale spot at base. Antennae shorter than body, extremely thin, apical segments closely articulate, lustrous. Ovipositor valves slightly shorter than hind tibia. First abdominal tergite hardly narrowed toward apex.
Body black. Hind femora darkened, with pale strip in middle. Body 2.5—3 mm.

[Other notes from same Reference: Parasite of Cnephasia chrysanthemana, C. pascuana, and C. interjectana (Tortricidae). Distribution: Center; Sakhalin; Western Europe].

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith