Philoplitis punctatus

General description: 

Diagnosis. The black coloration of P. punctatus distinguishes it from P. striatus and P. coniferens; the transverse mediotergite 2 separates it from P. masneri (with a broader mediotergite 2); and the length of inner metatibial spur and shape of mediotergite 2 distinguishes this species from P. adustipalpus. It also has the shortest scutellar disc and the most coarsely sculptured mesoscutum within the genus.

Description. Head densely rugosopunctate, frons transversely striated, small and impressed area behind posterior ocelli (and reaching to the central part of the occiput) rather smooth but with some striation. Antenna long, length of 2nd fl agellomere 2.7× its width, length of 15th fl agellomere 3.0× its width. Mesosoma with rather dense and long pubescence. Mesoscutum with coarse punctures medially and along anterior and lateral margins (the last one above tegulae), and notauli deeply impressed with coarse punctures. Scutellum coarsely punctate, relatively short (length/width ratio 0.92×), scutellar disc length 0.77× that of mesoscutum, in lateral view with apex toward dorsal surface. Mesopleura mostly punctate, with median smooth area below speculum and some striation marking the sternaulus; metapleuron punctate. Propodeum rugose and with complete median longitudinal carina. Fore wing ratios: r/3RSa: 1.00; r/r-m: 1.00; r/2RS: 0.50; 3RS/2M: 0.60; 2RS/2M: 1.20; r-m/2M: 0.60; r/(r-2M): 0.35; height of 2nd submarginal cell/(r-2M): 0.50. Tarsal claws with 3 teeth and with arolium enlarged, about twice as long as claw length; metafemur thick, its length 3.08× its maximum width; inner spur of metatibia 0.58× the length of fi rst tarsomere. Metasoma with apical half of mediotergite 1 fi nely sculptured, its length 2.00× its width at apex; mediotergite 2 smooth (except for three transverse striae centrally), with medial zone outlined by sharp convexities, its medial length 0.46 its width at apex; tergum 3+ smooth.

Color. Head black with clypeus brown, mandibles yellowish and palpi dark brown with apical 4–5 maxillary palps light brown. Scape and pedicel yellowish-brown, rest of antenna dark brown. Mesosoma black with silver pubescence, tegula dark brown. Legs brown (the fi rst pair lighter, the third pair dark brown, almost black), protibiae and protarsi yellow (except the last tarsomere which is dark brown); metatibial spurs dark brown. Wing veins and stigma brown (Rs+M hyaline), with a brownish cloud beneath stigma that extends to 2M. Metasoma mostly dark brown; except for sterna 1–3, apical strip on mediotergite 1, and basal strip on mediotergite 2, which are yellowishwhite; mediotergite 2 otherwise light brown.

Diagnosis. The black coloration of P. punctatus distinguishes it from P. striatus and P. coniferens; the transverse mediotergite 2 separates it from P. masneri (with a broader mediotergite 2); and the length of inner metatibial spur and shape of mediotergite 2 distinguishes this species from P. adustipalpus. It also has the shortest scutellar disc and the most coarsely sculptured mesoscutum within the genus.

Description. Head densely rugosopunctate, frons transversely striated, small and impressed area behind posterior ocelli (and reaching to the central part of the occiput) rather smooth but with some striation. Antenna long, length of 2nd fl agellomere 2.7× its width, length of 15th fl agellomere 3.0× its width. Mesosoma with rather dense and long pubescence. Mesoscutum with coarse punctures medially and along anterior and lateral margins (the last one above tegulae), and notauli deeply impressed with coarse punctures. Scutellum coarsely punctate, relatively short (length/width ratio 0.92×), scutellar disc length 0.77× that of mesoscutum, in lateral view with apex toward dorsal surface. Mesopleura mostly punctate, with median smooth area below speculum and some striation marking the sternaulus; metapleuron punctate. Propodeum rugose and with complete median longitudinal carina. Fore wing ratios: r/3RSa: 1.00; r/r-m: 1.00; r/2RS: 0.50; 3RS/2M: 0.60; 2RS/2M: 1.20; r-m/2M: 0.60; r/(r-2M): 0.35; height of 2nd submarginal cell/(r-2M): 0.50. Tarsal claws with 3 teeth and with arolium enlarged, about twice as long as claw length; metafemur thick, its length 3.08× its maximum width; inner spur of metatibia 0.58× the length of fi rst tarsomere. Metasoma with apical half of mediotergite 1 fi nely sculptured, its length 2.00× its width at apex; mediotergite 2 smooth (except for three transverse striae centrally), with medial zone outlined by sharp convexities, its medial length 0.46 its width at apex; tergum 3+ smooth.

Color. Head black with clypeus brown, mandibles yellowish and palpi dark brown with apical 4–5 maxillary palps light brown. Scape and pedicel yellowish-brown, rest of antenna dark brown. Mesosoma black with silver pubescence, tegula dark brown. Legs brown (the fi rst pair lighter, the third pair dark brown, almost black), protibiae and protarsi yellow (except the last tarsomere which is dark brown); metatibial spurs dark brown. Wing veins and stigma brown (Rs+M hyaline), with a brownish cloud beneath stigma that extends to 2M. Metasoma mostly dark brown; except for sterna 1–3, apical strip on mediotergite 1, and basal strip on mediotergite 2, which are yellowishwhite; mediotergite 2 otherwise light brown.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith