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Extant genera and species of Microgastrinae
Apanteles evanidus Papp 1975
Subfamily: MicrogastrinaeGenus: Apanteles
The following is taken from the original description (Papp 1975). That paper also includes drawings of the species.
Female. Body 2.8 mm long. Head transverse, twice broader than long (44:20), eyes hardly protruding from the outline of head (Fig. 16), head behind eyes rounded, constricted. Short (horizontal) diameter of eye 1.4 times as long as tempóra at its widest part (18:13). Ocelli normal in size, distance between fore and a hind ocelli minutely longer than diameter of an ocellus (6—5.5:5), POL slightly longer than OOL (14:12). Face wider than high, and inner margin of eyes converging to oral part, ratio of facial height to upper and lower width as 28:39:33. Face medially punctate-rugulose, laterally gradually becoming more punctate-punctulate.Ciypeus uneven. Frons and vertex entirely, tempóra close along eye densely alutaceous, other surface of tempóra and occiput ripple-like rugulose, occiput medially (behind ocellar field) densely rugulose, dull. Antenna almost as long as body. Flagellar joint 1 thrice as long as broad (19:6), further ones gradually shortening and hardly attenuating so that penultimate joint 1.4 times longer than broad (7:5), apical joint pointed.
Thorax slightly longer than abdomen. Ratio of thoracic length to height and width as 40:35:29. Thorax as wide as head. Lateral part of prothorax almost evenly rugulose, shiny. Mesonotum somewhat concentrically rugose, in the imaginary course of notauli rugosity more crowded, dull. Notauli indistinct. Prescutellar furrow usual, crenulated (as in A. ater). Scutellum densely punctate, interspaces shorter than diameter of a puncture, shiny. Auricle rugulose, axille as long as half scutellum, polished. Propodeum rugulose, shinj^ areola as a median excavation bordered behind by two arms of a U (arising from lunule). Hind corner of propodeum prominent. Mesopleura rugose-rugulose, its hind third smooth, shiny. Hind coxa densely alutaceous, above with some punctures. Outer surface of hind tibia with few spines. Hind spurs unequal, inner one slightly longer than half basitarsus (12:20).
Fore wing as long as body. Metacarp (Fig. 17) longer than width of stigma (48:65), and 4.3 times as long as its distance from distal end of radial cell (or 7-3). Stigma 2.4 times as long as its width (48:20), r\ arising somewhat distal from its middle, ri as long as width of stigma, and longer than cuqui (20:14). cm shorter than cuqu\ (11:14). r/i and d-i equal in length. Edge of vannai lobe of hind wing beyond its widest point markedly concave.
Tergite 1 (Fig. 18) with parallel sides, only its hind fourth constricted, ratio of its length to fore, close before constriction, and hind width as 40:27:26:20. Fore declivous surface of tergite 1 uneven (and not sculptured), shiny, its hind, horizontal surface densely rugulose, with a medio-longitudinal trough. Tergite 2 half as long as tergite 3 (9:17), with similar but weaker sculpture than that of tergite 1, dull. Tergites 3—8 with microsculpture, dull. Hypopygium almost concealed. Ovipositor sheath (Fig. 19) almost as long as hind basitarsus (35:40).
Body black. Palpi light yellow. Fore half of tegula pale yellow, its hind half black. Legs black. Femur 1 distally, tibiae and tarsi 1—2 yellow. Tibia 3 and basitarsus 3 basally yellow, tibia 2 apically blackish. Spurs of tibiae white. Wings hyaline. Stigma opaque yellow, its margin and metacarp dark. r\ and cuqii) opaque yellow (as stigma), other veins with pale pigmentation.
Male and host unknown.