This page records efforts to rear parasitoids from caterpillars collected in 2014 in the Ottawa region (Canada, Ontario).
We want to especially thank Sabrina Westra, Li-Shien Lee, and Julia Ellis. Their enthusiasm and work collecting caterpillars was outstanding. They truly exemplify citizen scientists, and their collaboration is greatly appreciated. We hope you can continue your work next year! We also want to thank Al Tweddle, from Petri Island, for his support to our work carried out there.
Most of the collecting was done in two places:
- Petri Islands,Orleans, Ottawa (more information on this natural area the following links are very useful: and
- The Fletcher Wildlife Garden (FWG), Ottawa ( The FWG keeps track of the flora and fauna recorded from the area. Currently it lists 46 species of butterflies ( and 260 species of moths ( That represents over 300 potential host species of microgastrine wasps. Based on data from similar sites, it would be likely to expect between 30 and 60 species of Microgastrinae in the FWG. Yet, there is none recorded so far.
The 2014 season was more than anything a test about how working with interested citizens and Nature enthusiast could work out in Canada's capital. Because of that, we did not do intensive collecting -less than 100 collecting events- but we plan to scale that up next season. In spite of the reduced collecting, we were able to find some parasitoids among samples collected.
From the Petri Island, Orleans, Ottawa we reared the following parasitoids:
1- Aleiodes sp. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Rogadinae).
2- Apanteles sp. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Microgastrinae).
3- Meteorus sp. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Euphorinae).
4- Undetermined species of Eulophidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Eulophidae).
From the city of Ottawa we reared the following parasitoids:
1- Cotesia sp. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae, Microgastrinae).
2- An undetermined icheumonid wasp as hyperparasitoid of the Cotesia cocoons (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Cryptinae).
3- Two undetermined species of tachinid flies (Diptera, Tachinidae).
As an example of the work done, below is a chronological list of some of the collecting events, with some photos and associated information.
Collecting Event: Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Date: 04-June-2014. Collector: Henri Goulet. Container numbered as "0".
0) Caterpillar species: Unknown.
Number of caterpillars in sample: 1.
Host plant: Carya ovata (Shagbark hickory).
Parasitoids: None.
Observations: Caterpillar pupate on Adult moth emerged on 6.vii.2014.
Photo: Caterpillar (Photo credit: Jose Fernandez-Triana, CNC, Ottawa).
Collecting Event: Petri Islands, Ottawa. Date: 05-June-2014. Collector: Jose Fernandez-Triana. Containers numbered from 1-8.
1) Caterpillar species: Choristoneura rosaceana.
Number of caterpillars in sample: 1.
Host plant: Cornus sericea (dogwood).
Parasitoids: None.
Adult moth emerged on June 18, 2014.
Photos: Pupa and adult (Jose Fernandez-Triana, CNC, Ottawa).
2) Caterpillar species: Unknown.
Number of caterpillars in sample: 3 (later separated in the lab in individual containers, all numbered as "2"). It is a Tortricidae.
Host plant: Cornus sericea (dogwood).
Parasitoids: None.
Observations: Specimens pupate between, adult moth emerged on
Photos: Caterpillars (Jose Fernandez-Triana, CNC, Ottawa).
2a) Caterpillar species: Unknown.
Number of caterpillars in sample: 2.
Host plant: Cornus sericea (dogwood).
Parasitoids: None.
Observations: Small larvae were found on, among leaves from where caterpillars with container number 2 had been reared and had already pupated. Apparently these 2 larvae were very small (or came from eggs) undetected among the dogwood leaves. These caterpillars seem to be different to the species reared in container 2 and thus were renumbered as "2a". See photos below of these caterpillars.
3) Caterpillar species: Unknown.
Number of caterpillars in sample: 1.
Host plant: Vitis riparia (river bank grape).
Parasitoids: None.
Notes: Adult of the moth emerged on June 16, 2014.
Photos: Pupae (Jose Fernandez-Triana, CNC, Ottawa).
4) Caterpillar species: Unknown.
Number of caterpillars in sample: 3. (later separated in the lab in individual containers).
Host plant: Vitis riparia (river bank grape).
Parasitoids: None.
Notes: Adults of the moth emerged on June 15 and 16, 2014.
Photos: Pupa (Henri Goulet and Jose Fernandez-Triana, CNC, Ottawa).
5) Caterpillar species: At least two: Choristoneura rosaceana and one undetermined species (see notes below).
Number of caterpillars in sample: 4. (later separated in the lab in individual containers).
Host plant: Physocarpus sp. (ninebark).
Parasitoids: None.
Observations: Specimens pupate between Adult emergence starting on (for Choristoneura rosaceana) and for the other species.
Photos: Caterpillars and pupae (Jose Fernandez-Triana, CNC, Ottawa).
6) Caterpillar species: Unknown.
Number of caterpillars in sample: 1.
Host plant: Tilia americana (basswood).
Parasitoids: None.
Observations: Specimen pupate between, adult moth emerged on
Photos:Caterpillars (Jose Fernandez-Triana, CNC, Ottawa).
7) Caterpillar species: None (it was not Lepidoptera, so no further record kept).
Number of caterpillars in sample: 1.
Host plant: Viburnum trilobum (highbush cranberry).
Parasitoids: None.
Photos: None.
8) Caterpillar species: Unknown.
Number of caterpillars in sample: 1.
Host plant: Tilia americana (basswood).
Parasitoids: Adult parasitoid wasps belonging to the family Eulophidae (Chalcidoidea) emerged on
Photos: Larvae of the Eulophidae parasitoid wasps (Jose Fernandez-Triana, CNC, Ottawa).
Collecting Event: Manor Park, near Aviation Parkway, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Date: 08-June-2014. Collector: Teresita Galliano.
9) Caterpillar species: Pyrrharctia isabella (Isabella Tiger Moth).
Number of caterpillars in sample: 1.
Host plant: Found on the ground, near several garden herbs.
Parasitoids: A tachinid fly emerged on 8.vii.2014.
Observations: Pupate on
Photos: Two. Lepidoptera pupa. (Photo credit: Jose Fernandez-Triana, CNC, Ottawa).
Collecting Event: Petri Islands, Ottawa. Date: 09-June-2014. Collector: Henri Goulet.
10) Caterpillar species: Unknown.
Number of caterpillars in sample: 0 (it was a pupa what was collected).
Host plant: Staphylea trifolia (Bladdernut).
Parasitoids: None.
Observation: Adult moth emerged on
Photos: Pupa and adult moth. (Photo credit: Jose Fernandez-Triana, CNC, Ottawa).
Collecting Event: Ottawa city, near Fisher Avenue. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Date: 16-June-2014. Collector: Henri Goulet.
11) Caterpillar species: Unknown.
Number of caterpillars in sample: 1. Pupate on June 18, 2014.
Host plant: Rosa rugosa.
Parasitoids: None.
Photos: Adult moth emerging from the pupa on (photo: Jose Fernandez-Triana).
Collecting Event: Petri Islands, Ottawa. Date: 16-June-2014. Collectors: Jose Fernandez-Triana and Henri Goulet. Containers numbered 12-25.
12) Caterpillar species: Unknown.
Number of caterpillars in sample: 1.
Host plant: Tilia americana.
Parasitoids: Apparently the caterpillar is parasitized (see photo, taken on On 02.vii.2014 a wasp emerged (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Rogadinae, Aleiodes sp.)
Photo: Parasitized larva (Photo credit: Jose Fernandez-Triana, CNC, Ottawa).
13) Caterpillar species: Unknown.
Number of caterpillars in sample: 1.
Host plant: Cornus sp.
Parasitoids: None.
Adult moth emerged on (I did not record when it pupate).
14) Caterpillar species: Unknown.
Number of caterpillars in sample: 1.
Host plant: Cornus sp.
Parasitoids: None.
Observations: Pupate on Adult moth emerged on
15) Caterpillar species: Unknown.
Number of caterpillars in sample: 1.
Host plant: Undetermined.
Parasitoids: None.
Observations: Pupate on
Photo: Example of caterpillar frass after two days without cleaning the container (Photo credit: Jose Fernandez-Triana, CNC, Ottawa).
16) Caterpillar species: Unknown.
Number of caterpillars in sample: 0 (4 pupae from 4 different leaves on the same plant; all kept together in one container).
Host plant: Undetermined.
Parasitoids: One ichneumonid wasp emerged around
Two adult moth emerged between
17) Caterpillar species: None.
It was a silky mass that ended being a spider ootheca, spiders emerged on
18) Caterpillar species: Malacosoma sp.
Number of caterpillars in sample: 1.
Host plant: Tilia americana (Basswood).
Parasitoids: None.
Observations: Pupate on Adult moth emerged on 6.vii.2014.
Photos: Caterpillar and pupa (Photo credit: Jose Fernandez-Triana, CNC, Ottawa).
19) Caterpillar species: Unknown.
Number of caterpillars in sample: 1.
Host plant: Undetermined.
Parasitoids: None.
Observations: Caterpillar pupate on Adult moth got trapped inside of the rolled leave (which became too dry and thus too difficult for the moth to exit from) and died. Remnants found on
20) Caterpillar species: Unknown.
Number of caterpillars in sample: 1.
Host plant: Cornus sp.
Parasitoids: None.
Caterpillar died on 9.vii.2014 from unknown causes.
21) Caterpillar species: Unknown.
Number of caterpillars in sample: 1 (dead, and near the caterpillar is a cocoon of a Diptera parasitoid).
Host plant: Undetermined.
Parasitoids: An adult fly (Tachinidae?) emerged on
Photos: Parasitoid pupa near parasitized caterpillar. (Photo credit: Jose Fernandez-Triana, CNC, Ottawa).
22) Caterpillar species: Unknown.
Number of caterpillars in sample: 1.
Host plant: Cornus sp.
Parasitoids: None.
Caterpillar died on 9.vii.2014 from unknown causes.
23) Caterpillar species: Unknown.
Number of caterpillars in sample: 2.
Host plant: Arctium so. (burdock).
Parasitoids: None.
Observations: Larger caterpilar pupate on A rather small (1 cm) caterpillar, apparently overlooked at the time of the sampling, was found on a leave and is now kept there until it grows more (it pupate on Adult moth (from the larger caterpillar?) emerged on
Photos: Frass of caterpillar. (Photo credit: Jose Fernandez-Triana, CNC, Ottawa).
24) Caterpillar species: Unknown.
Number of caterpillars in sample: 1.
Host plant: Ulmus sp. (probably americana).
Parasitoids: None.
Caterpillar died on 9.vii.2014 from unknown causes.
Photos: Caterpillar (Photo credit: Jose Fernandez-Triana, CNC, Ottawa).
25) Caterpillar species: Unknown.
Number of caterpillars in sample: 1.
Host plant: Tilia americana (Basswood).
Parasitoids: None.
Pupate around
Photos: Caterpillar. (Photo credit: Jose Fernandez-Triana, CNC, Ottawa).
Collecting Event: Petri Islands, Ottawa. Date: 26-June-2014. Collector: Jose Fernandez-Triana. Containers numbered 27-32.
27) Caterpillar and host plant unknown.
Pupate around
Photos: Caterpillar and pupa.
28) Caterpillar species unknown.
Host plant: Fraxinus sp. (Ash).
There were several small caterpillars within the leaves, and all were kept in the same individual container. On at least 5 individual (=solitary) parasitoid cocoons were found among the leaves, but some other leaves were rolled and might contain additional caterpillars and/or parasitoid cocoons. However, the whole sample is being kept together to avoid disrupting the insects with extra manipulation.
Parasitoid (Braconidae: Microgastrinae, Apanteles sp.) pupae (at least 5) found on Emergence of wasps starting on 2.vii.2014, female specimen on 3.vii.2014.
Photos: Parasitoid cocoons.
29) Pupa collected, adult moth emerged next day (
Photos: Adult moth just emerged.
30) Parasitoid pupa collected (Braconidae: Meteorus sp.). Adult wasp emerged next day (
Photos: Empty coccon of the parasitoid (after the wasp had emerged)
31) Pupa collected.
Photo: Pupa.
32) Caterpillar collected, it seems to be dead. Kept to see what happens there.
Photos: Caterpillar.