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Extant genera and species of Microgastrinae
Dolichogenidea cheles (Nixon 1972)
Subfamily: MicrogastrinaeGenus: Dolichogenidea
Descriptions in Nixon (1972) and Papp (1978). Both papers also have illustrations.
Nixon: Female. Hind femur infuscate throughout but not deeply; hind tibia dull reddish yellow on proximal half but becoming progressively more infuscate towards apex. Tegula infuscate; venation proximal to areolet pigmented throughout; stigma with pale, distal spot as well as larger, basal spot. Flagellum markedly pale beneath and apical 3-4 segments pale also above. Head in facial view transverse; face shiny and with only faint trace of punctation. Antenna long, almost as long as whole body; three preapical segments fully one-and-one-third times longer than wide. Ocelli in very low triangle, the posterior tangent to anterior ocellus cutting deeply into posterior pair. Mesoscutum faintly dull and with dense, close punctation. Scutellum polished and with only faintest trace of punctation anteriorly and almost without hairs. Suture between scutellum and mesoscutum deep, well defined and with very distinct foveolation. Propodeum with only very weak sculpture; areola indicated by short arms of a U; posterior, lateral face polished and unsculptured. Inner spur of hind tibia distinctly longer than outer one and clearly reaching to middle of hind basitarsus; spines of outer surface of hind tibia almost as dense as in princeps (cf. Fig. 28) but more upstanding. First tergite not different from that of laevigatus, either in shape or sculpture; smooth-looking, its sculpture reduced to a few vaguely defined punctures and other irregularities of surface. Basal field shiny and almost without sculpture. Ovipositor sheath about three-quarters as long as hind tibia, gradually but very slightly widened from base to apex and weakly down-curved throughout entire length; ovipositor thin, becoming down-curved in about apical third. Length: female, ca 3-0 mm, without ovipositor. Comments. With its rather stout build, this species bears some resemblance to itea; itea, however, has a much more narrowly produced and longer hypopygium than cheles and there are, of course, striking differences in colour between the two species.
Papp: Propodeum rugulose medially and antero-laterally, postero-laterally smooth to uneven or at most with few rugulae, rather dull (Fig. 6). Mesonotum dull, i.e. interspaces with microsculpture (Fig. 5). Basal spot of stigma normally well distinct, only exceptionally more or less obsolete; stigma often with a pale, rather indistinct, distal spot (Fig. 150). First tergite one-and-a-half times longer than wide, subparallel to slightly converging sided (Fig. 146). Ocelli on a low triangle, hind tangent to anterior ocellus transecting posterior pair (Fig. 148). Ovipositor sheath about three-quarters as long as hind tibia, widening apically (Fig. 149). Hind tibia weakly infuscate distally. Females and males: 3 mm. See also couplet 168 (167): Head behind eyes rounded as normal. Mesonotum faintly dull to dull, with dense and rather strong punctation, interspaces smaller than punctures. First tergite with subparallel to slightly converging sides (Fig. 146). Stalk of Di long, almost twice longer than its own width; stigma hardly more than twice as long as wide (50 : 23-22, x 100), and emitting rl near to middle of stigma (Fig. 150). Spines of outer surface of third tibia extremely numerous and closely-set (reminding that of A. princeps WILK, (Fig. 151)). Body black. Light colour of legs yellow to dark yellow. Stigma often with a pale and rather indistinct distal spot.