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Extant genera and species of Microgastrinae
Exoryza Mason 1981
Subfamily: Microgastrinae
The genus Exoryza was described by Mason (1981) to include two species. It was considered to be mainly distributed in temperate regions, although two additional species recently described, one from the Neotropics (Valerio et al. 2004) and one from China (Song and Chen 2003) suggest that the genus is more widely distributed. Valerio et al. (2004) considered it to be closely related to both Dolichogenidea and Apanteles (and in a lesser extent also to Parapanteles and Pholetesor). While its generic position is still unclear, the presence of a convex, straight vannal lobe, uniformly fringed by setae (similar to that of Dolichogenidea) is the main feature that distinguishes this genus from Apanteles.
,The genus Exoryza was described by Mason (1981) to include two species. It was considered to be mainly distributed in temperate regions, although two additional species recently described, one from the Neotropics (Valerio et al. 2004) and one from China (Song and Chen 2003) suggest that the genus is more widely distributed. Valerio et al. (2004) considered it to be closely related to both Dolichogenidea and Apanteles (and in a lesser extent also to Parapanteles and Pholetesor). While its generic position is still unclear, the presence of a convex, straight vannal lobe, uniformly fringed by setae (similar to that of Dolichogenidea) is the main feature that distinguishes this genus from Apanteles.